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Speakers: Biljana Ciric (interdependent curate), Sinkneh Eshetu (writer), Yabebal Fantasy (astrophysicist and data scientist), Robel Temesgen (artist), Jasphy Zheng (artist). Moderator: Zheng Peihan (Interim Education Manager of Rockbund Art Museum)

As you go…roads under your feet, towards the new future in collaboration with Rockbund Art Museum Curtain project  and Addis Ababa based collective, Contemporary Nights presents you a call for participation of Stories from the Room, a public project by artist Jasphy Zheng.

We invite you to join us on our journey of learning and unlearning that has already been underway for the past year with Astrobus-Ethiopia through the curatorial inquiry of As you go…roads under your feet, towards the new future. A conversation between Yabebal Fantaye, founder of Astrobus, and Biljana Ciric on the initiative.

Robel Temesgen one of the participants of the project with his friends initiated mask making for communities that can’t afford it.

A collaborative initiative of All the Way South x As you go…roads under your feet, towards the new future. It bridges many understandings of the south that only overlap partially with the geographical South and engages the histories and realities emerged from long lines of maritime mapping and entanglement. 

Announcement: Ash Moniz's Research on Cartographies of Solidarity is Selected for Maritime Portal Residency in 2021

The MPR is a collaborative initiative of All the Way South x As you go…roads under your feet, towards the new future. It bridges many understandings of the south that only overlap partially with the geographical South and engages the histories and realities emerged from long lines of maritime mapping and entanglement.

As you go… roads under your feet, towards the new future | Symposium

Dates: March 22nd to 31st 2021   |  Time: 11am Ljubljana time / 9pm Melbourne time / Addis Ababa 1pm / Shanghai, Guangzhou 6pm / Astana 4pm

Livestream via WCSCD / Moderna Galerija / Artcom Platform / Rockbund Art Museum / Facebook / Youtube

As you go… roads under your feet, towards the new future | Film Program

Symposium presenters: What Could Should Curating Do and Moderna galerija, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Duration: 22 – 31 March 2021

Приче између зидова у Народној библиотеци Бор Новембар 2020 –

Шта би кустосирање могло/требало да буде (What Could/ Should Curating Do – WC/SCD), кроз пројекат Новим путевима у будућност (As you go…roads under your feet, towards the new future), у сарадњи са Народном библиотеком Бор, позива вас на учешће у јавном пројекту уметнице Џесфи Џенг (Jasphy Zheng) Приче између зидова (Stories from the Room).


February 4th 2020 2pm – 8pm Guramayne Art Center Addis Ababa. Organized in collaboration with Biljana Ciric & Guramayne Art Center

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